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Specwall passes BS EN 1366-2 Fire Damper test with no issues

Written by Alex Timperley | Jun 13, 2024 10:31:00 AM

One of the biggest benefits of using Specwall is its inherent fire ratings. Our panels can make a big contribution to the fire safety of any development – a feature which has never been more important.

We have previously reported on our panels achieving an A1 fire rating and exceeding test guidelines. There are no combustible elements in our A1 panels and they cannot contribute to a fire at any stage.

Specwall panels also offer strong firestopping characteristics around service penetrations. We worked with Quelfire to answer some frequently asked questions about how service penetration sealing and fire safety here.

Now, Specwall has achieved another fire safety milestone by passing the BS EN 1366-2 Fire Damper testing this week with no issues reported.

This British Standard tests fire dampers to ensure they can withstand the effects of fire. This includes temperature rise, the integrity of the damper, and the ability for the damper to prevent the spread of flames.

The tests were carried out in controlled laboratory conditions and Specwall recorded no issues with any part of the test.

The final report is 3-4 weeks away and we look forward to being able to share it with our customers.

If you have any questions about the fire damper test or Specwall’s overall firestopping qualities, please get in touch with the technical team today.